Catrina Taulbert
2021-11-23 16:04:46

Add users to your portal

Intended Audience: Admins, Managers

Create or invite users to your portal to get them started on training courses, or to help administer your portal.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Create a user
  • Invite a user
  • Difference between creating and inviting a user

Create a user

To add a user directly to your portal:

  1. From the primary navigation menu, select Users.
  2. Select Create from the Actions menu.
  3. At a minimum, you will need to enter a Username in the Basic User Info card. We recommend you provide a first and last name, as well.
  4. By default, the Type of User is Learner: to create an Admin, Instructor or Manager instead, select the type from the dropdown menu. If you select Manager, the words Show Permissions will appear for you to set the manager permissions.
  5. Enter and confirm a password. You will need to communicate the login details to the user by your own mechanisms, passwords are not sent automatically to the user. If you enable User must change password on login, when the user first logs in they will create a new password to replace the password you created.
  6. Select Save to finish.

This process creates a new learner in your portal, who you can enroll on courses or add to groups. If you enable User will be part of existing group? you can automatically assign users to one or more groups on this portal, however, please bear in mind that by doing this the user will be enrolled in all courses that are linked to that group.

You can change the user type later, if required. See “User types and permissions: overview” about different types of users.

Note: users without email addresses in the portal cannot receive automated notifications from Safety Made Simple.

Invite a user

To invite a user by email, requiring a user's response:

  1. From the primary navigation, select Users.
  2. Select Invite from the action menu.
  3. Enter in one or more email addresses in the Email addresses field, separated by commas.
  4. Select the appropriate Type of user.
  5. Select Invite to finish.

This process sends an email invitation to these users, with instructions on how to set up their new accounts.

Difference between creating and inviting a user

Safety Made Simple makes a distinction between creating a user versus inviting them:

Create a user

  • admin creates a user and adds them to the portal without requiring a user's response
  • admin can enroll the user on courses, modify their profile, or perform other tasks 
  • admin must set a password for that user, which is shared with the user outside of Safety Made Simple: you can require that the user change their password at first login

Invite a user

  • admin sends an invitation with link by email
  • the user must accept the invite by selecting the link
  • user sets their own initial password
  • after the user accepts the invite, Safety Made Simple creates the user's account in your portal, and displays their name in your active users list 

Note: when you invite a manager, you can set their user type as manager, but cannot assign a group to them, until they accept the invitation. For this reason, we recommend creating users.

See “Upload users by batch CSV file” for instructions on creating large numbers of users.

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