Catrina Taulbert
2021-11-23 16:03:47

Users: set and reset passwords

Intended Audience: Admins, Managers

Create initial passwords for users, require a password change at first use, and reset passwords for users.

Topics covered in this article:

  • Create or invite users: initial passwords
  • Reset passwords
  • Lost and forgotten passwords: automated reset

Create or invite users: initial passwords

When you create or invite users you decide how to handle their password requirements. Discuss password options with your onboarding specialist or customer support, to determine what you need for password protection, while letting your users access the portal.

One significant distinction between creating users or inviting users is whether you:

  • provide an initial password (create users)
  • allow users to create their own (invite users)

See “Add users to your portal” for background.

If you create users by batch upload, you can specify if they must change their password at first login by entering Yes in the must_change_pass column, in the batch import sample file available from the batch upload page.

See “Upload users by batch CSV file”

Reset passwords

As admin you can reset passwords for users and require them to change their password at their next login.

  1. From main navigation go to Users, and search for the user whose password you need to change.
  2. Select the user’s name to open user’s Basic Info.
  3. From User's Summary, select Set Password.
  4. In Set a password for this user, enter a password and its confirmation. 
  5. Optionally: select User must change password on login.
  6. Save to finish.

The following screenshot shows the password change dialog.

You can reset existing users' passwords using batch upload if required: enter Yes in the must_change_pass column and upload your file.

Lost and forgotten passwords: automated reset

Users who cannot log in can use the Forgot password? link on the login page.

If they have a user account, the portal sends a reset link to their email address. The URL expires after about an hour.

Note: this feature works only for active users: it does not work for pending users. Pending users are those who you have invited by email but who have not yet selected the link to confirm they are joining the portal.

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